joi, 22 iulie 2010

Never lose hope, never lose faith

Never lose hope, never lose faith

Era o dimineata frumoasa de primavara, de luna mai. O dimineata asteptata dupa iarna indelungata, dupa frigul de pe naveta. M-am trezit ca de obicei la ora 5, si in jumatate de ora am bagat viteza sa fiu gata pentru ca la 5 si jumatate sa ajung in statie la 30, de unde urma sa iau autobuzul spre microbuze.
Am iesit din casa visand ca de obicei, mai sigura pe mine decat alte dati, mai fericita decat in alte dimineti si nu imi dadeam seama ce era schimbat, de ce dintr-o data imi gaseam locul in toata rutina aceea, cu care nu ma acomodasem un an de zile.
Am trecut intersectia de langa casa mea, am mers agale spre biserica Sfintii Imparati, am traversat prin pasajul de la Omnia visand cu ochii deschisi. Asa am facut dintotdeauna, dimineata drumul spre scoala era ora mea de plimbare. Visam cu ochii deschisi, imi imaginam diferite situatii, imi aduceam aminte cine stie ce momente fericite din viata mea si visam la ele, sau ma analizam in gand.
Era o placere drumul acela spre microbuze, totul era tacut in jur, puteam conversa cu mine insami. Si atunci eram fericita, neobisnuit de fericita.
Am luat autobuzul, am dat de colega mea de romana, care a devenit insotitoarea mea pe semestrul doi pe naveta si din vis in vis am ajuns la nord.
Cobor din masina, Laura langa mine, ne oprim sa luam apa de la un chiosc si apoi traversam spre Mc Donalds sa ajungem la microbuze. Si atunci s-a intamplat minunea, minunea mea.
Statea cuminte in statie asteptand tramvaiul. Bineinteles eu nu stiam ce era cu el acolo, la ora aia, dar ceva m-a facut sa ii zambesc. Eram atat de sigura pe mine, si ma simteam atat de bine in pielea mea, ca nu mi-a mai fost jena, nu nimic. Pur si simplu i-am zambit.
Este o zicala veche: zambeste, niciodata nu vei sti cine se poate indragosti de zambetul tau. Normal ca nu credeam ca este adevarata. Dar... s-a dovedit a fi. Ceva anume l-a facut sa ii placa zambetul meu si m-a oprit. M-a intrebat daca am un numar de tel si i l-am dat. Nu a putut sa imi dea bip, nu suna, asa ca i-am dat eu si am recunoscut melodia pe care o avea pe telef, o melodie cu care pupaza mea ma obisnuise de mult. O auzeam la intalnirile cu prietenii mei de nenumarate ori si imi place si mie: Within Temptation- Our Solemn Hour. Si asa a fost ora noastra solemna din acea dimineata. Mi-am cunoscut jumatea si durerea pe care o simtisem pana atunci in mine a incetat. Nu am mai simtit-o. Poate era din cauza ca nu ne gaseam si fiecare murea de dorul ceiluilalt inainte sa il cunoasca, inainte sa il stie. As fi vrut sa il fi stiut de o viata. Poate nu as mai cunoscut durerea pe care am cunoscut-o pana acum, dar e bine si asa. Sunt fericita ca l-am gasit si e al meu.
So, sometimes some stories have a happy end. Never lose hope, never lose faith. - Thank you

vineri, 9 iulie 2010

Vvampire story - part 17 George 3

"Shut up" Gerald told me. "Stop thinking. You're terrible."
"Mind your own thoughts, will you?"
"I would try if you weren't so noisy and pessimistic."
"Read their minds, not mine"
"I can't, you speak with yourself more than they do, so shut the fuck up"
"Ok, you will pay for this", I thought to myself.
"Jullie, please, I'll let you kill me at home, now let me focus"
Gerald's gift was to read the minds of others. Somehow he knew George was not afraid at all. He did not knew his enemy. We did.
"Come on Victor" said the fourth one "let's feed first and then deal with Edgar"
"Run, run as fast as you can" Edgar yelled to George.
"I'm not afraid of a pack of old fools" George said in a proud voice
"You are the fool, these are not people" Edgar screamed
"And now you do it again, don't you Edgar, you just cannot stop yourself" Victor said, in the next moment Edgar caught fire and burned down entirely.
For the first time Gerald sensed a sign of fear in George.
"Now" he gave me the signal. In a minute Gerald was in front of George and I at his back.
"Touch him and you are all dead" Gerald said
George frowned.
"Well, looks like the little fellow has some friends" Daniel smiled. "Two more, Two less, what's the difference? Get them Victor!"
"Why? So that you would tell everybody how you killed three vampires and fed on my behalf?" Victor asked. "No, dear Daniel fight them alone" finishing his sentence Victor and the other two vampires raised themselves to the sky and disappeared leaving Daniel alone in front of us. Edgar also ran away, happy he escaped this time. 
This was unexpected. Just the two of us and Daniel. And we had to protect George.
Didn't know where the first hit was about to come, but we found out quickly. He tried to use some kind of a spell on Ger and paralyze him, but Gerald jumped just in time to avoid it, instead a dog on the alley found his last moments.
"Hm, this was for you" Daniel said nervous "I'm not here to kill dogs"
I was the next, I had to take George in my arms and fly a few steps back and protect him with my hands.
"Threatening girls, a?" Ger screamed "Aren't you man enough to have a man to man fight? beast?"
"I'm not afraid of you pussy" Daniel shouted and tried to hit Ger again, but Ger was prepared and the next minute Daniel was lying on the street with a belt of silver on his neck.
"I might know a few tricks too" Ger said "Who are you snake?, who is your master?"
"See that I might tell you, not even in your dream"
"Are you hungry pig?" Ger asked showing to George, "we might have a bargain and give u my friend if you tell me who you are and who is your master?"
"I'm not fooled, you wouldn't sacrifice your dear friend for me"
"Why not? He's only human"
George was freezing in my hands. I could see that now he was not so sure about himself, nor about me, or Ger, or who we were or what we were. I could sense his fear, feel him trembling in my hands, feeling my new strength and the trickery of his supposed friend Ger. My gift was that I could feel other's feelings and the type of individuals that they were. In the same time, only Gerald could read my mind, for the rest of the vampires it was a blank page. "Keep your calm and never forget who we are and what we are to you" I whispered the words as quietly as I could so that only George might hear them. "Don't turn to me", he didn't, Daniel was watching us carefully from the place where the silver belt kept him still.
"Wanna eat something before you die dog?" Ger asked? He paralyzed George in my hand putting him into a state of unconsciousness close to death. Took George from my hands and sneaked him under Daniel's nose, "He smells good, isn't he? If you want him, he's yours, just tell me who you are and where you are  coming from?"
Daniel was unsure what to do, give away his secret, break the code of silence between the vampires and eat and catch power to liberate himself from the silver belt or shut up and die, the silver going slowly through his veins poisoning them second by second. He was getting weaker. By down he would be dead.
"Victor is my master", he cried "He is from the clan of the west."
"I sow that" Ger said, "Something else? What is he up to? Where is hiding?"
"He's not hiding, he's the vampire's master. He's the leader"
"And why are you stealing the benefits of his work, snake?"
"This is an old feud of us. He's not what he seems to be, just an old bastard"
"Just like you, isn't it?"
"Enough", Daniel said "Give me to eat, I won't say anything else"
Gerald put George's neck close to Daniel's mouth enough as forGeorge to be able to taste a few drops of blood. Then he pulled George back.
"Now die" Ger said slaying Daniel's head before he could do something.
I was terrified.
"Are you mad? You killed George, no I didn't" Ger said
He cut his hand and poured drops of blood on George's teeth. Then we went back to Sasha.
"What the hell Ger, you made him a vampire?" Sasha screamed. "Daniel's blood and yours?This could poison him you fool, there supposed to be only one type of blood for the transformation, two might kill him"
"Daniel fed on human blood, Sash, he was powerful, more than mine, I gave up feeding on people, remember? Daniel's blood would help him be strong, besides when he awakes he will know all of Daniel's secrets, Daniel's memory would come to his mind. Remember I killed vampires before"
So that was it. Gerald transformed George giving him strength and Daniel's memories.
"How did you knew all this?" I asked
"Sasha's library remember? You said I had nothing to do there, but I found some things I could never believe they might exist"
"The silver belt?"
"One of them, and how to transform people into vampires"
"You don't know anything yet, the all seeing guy can transform every vampire into human. And Guy and I finally found him. And we''ll transform you back into humans so that this madness would stop" Sasha screamed furiouselly because of what happened to her twin soul. 

Vampire story - part 16 George 2

The darkness surrounded us, George could not see or sense anything. But I and Gerald could feel the vampires and see them. We stopped on a roof very close to them, keeping us unseen for the time being. There were 4 or 5. Unaware of the danger, George stopped in the middle of the street. For him the vampires were just a few boys trying to show how cool they were by having a fight. Nothing interesting. But we knew in what danger he was.
A phone to warn him would rise suspicions, besides he would not take the news in a normal way. He would probably panic. To show up in the middle of the quarrel would meant us fighting the vampires and we hoped we could prevent this.
We stayed hidden for a while to see which way things would turn out.
"It's your fault" one of the vampires shouted. He was big and his eyes were red and full of anger.
"It is not, it just happened. I did not wanted this" answered another. He was much smaller than the other one and seemed much younger too.
"You fool, you told her everything", said another vampire catching the fool's shirt and threatening him that he was about to be beaten or since I knew vampires by now, even worse killed.
"She did not said a word to anyone".
"Do you know what this means?"
"Hey leave him alone", George yelled at them "just because you are 4 against one which is smaller than you, doesn't mean you have to act this way"
"Good old George, always ready to help the ones in need", I said to Gerald quietly.
"The fool doesn't know in what he's getting into" Gerald answered in the same way. I wanted to fly down in the street, but Gerald stopped me: "Wait".
"Look boy" the big vampire said, "It's not your business, leave now and nothing will happen to you"
"Old fool" another vampire who remained quiet by now started " a fine dinner steps in and you let it go just like that?" he approached George and smelled him "Fresh meat"
"Gay" George screamed
The vampire started to laugh.
"Daniel, it's not the time, nor the place for this, we have enough trouble with Edgar"
"When is the right time for you Victor? We'll kill Edgar anyway"
So Victor was the big one, the victim Edgar, and the hungry one Daniel, pluss their friends and George in the middle of the them all the perfect meal.

joi, 8 iulie 2010

Twilight - New Moon

Si pt ca sunt postari cu Queen of the Dammned si Underworld sa nu uitam de Twilight- New Moon si Eclipse - dumnezeule cum arata Jacob


Sa nu uitam de Underworld, imi e dor de film.

Within Temptation - Our solemn hour

Cu asta as putea rezuma intr-un cuvant cum s-a intamplat tot:P


Si am facut-o si pe asta. Am predat. Eu profesoara de engleza, daca ma auzeam acu un an radeam cu lacrimi de propriile mele idei nastrusnice. Dar am predat si asta e tot ce conteza; mai intai Sinaia si Poiana Tapului, apoi Busteni.
Nu credeam sa ii descopar sau sa ii aflu vreodata, dar s-a intamplat. Cine ar fi crezut ca o sa ii inteleg si o sa ma atesez de ei? Cine ar fi crezut ca o sa ma pun la mintea lor? Poate Mihai si Roxana pt ca ma stiu cum sunt. :P
Ceea ce primesti de la ei nu se compara cu nimic altceva. Sau cu vreo alta experienta. E ceva unic, inedit. Fiecare copil e unic in felul lui. Fiecare trebuie luat ca atare si tratat individual. Nu e numai predare, e prietenie, comunicare, convietuire, traire. Habar nu aveam ce o sa gasesc in ei, la ei.
Nu stiu de ce aveam retineri, nu-si au rostul.

Long time no seen

A trecut ceva timp de cand nu am mai postat nici eu. Treaba, oboseala si mai apoi lenea si-au spus cuvantul. Am putin timp liber si vreau sa profit. Habar nu am cu ce sa incep si nici cu ce sa termin. Am de povestit un an de scoala si o luna de iubire. Si nici o concluzie de tras. Nu am ideile prea clare si nici amintirile prea clare, tot ce stiu e ca de un an incoace visez, desi nu credeam ca e posibil. Rad si ma simt mai bine, desi nici asta nu credeam ca e posibil. Sa fie caldura primita din inimile copiilor, sau caldura si dragostea primita de la el? Poate ambele.

Never lose hope

Roxana si-a creat blogul cu titlu asta. Nu am vrut sa o ascult si nici sa cred. Mai tarziu Mihai posta un articol cu acelasi titlu, nici atunci nu am vrut sa cred. Nu stiu ce anume ma face acuma sa ii cred. Dar am ajuns la vorbele lor: never lose faith, never lose hope.

duminică, 11 aprilie 2010


Vampire story - part 15 George is in danger and Roxanne talks like a vampire

"Well, what was it like?" Sasha asked
"Gerald's parents are ok, Richard is a bit hot tempered though" I said "Did you find anything Sash?"
"Yeah, we're on the good truck. With a bit of luck we'll find him in a few days" "Are the others ok?"
"Hm it dipends. Michael was at work last time I checked, I can't manage finding Roxanne, she wouldn't answer the phone."
"I'll call her, she would answer to me" I said.
Sasha sat on the coutch, Gerald went upstairs to the bedroom and I picked up the phone.
"Yes", answered Roxanne.
"Where were you? Sasha called you earlier"
"Oh, I was having shopping with my parents, I had to... I had to hunt something", she answered, but I felt she panicked. Pluss she talked like she was a vampire already... what in the world was that?
"Julia", Sasha cried something terrible is about to happen.
"I'm on the phone, Sash"
"Julie, Julie, George..." Sasha was terrified, Gerald got down so fast that I dropped the phone
"Come Jullie, we have no time, George is in trouble"
"But Roxanne..." I cried, I did not finish my sentece, Gerald had already picked me up and the next minute I was flying back to Gerald's old town.
In the middle of the main street, there were two gangs. I realized in a minute they were vampires. George had no ideea in what danger he was.
He tried to go home, but was cought in the middle of a quarell. The worst it could happen was to become their dinner. The two gans were fighting each other. Gerald and I had to attack and take George away.

sâmbătă, 10 aprilie 2010


Everybody wants to be a cat

Everybody wants to be a cat,
because a cat's the only cat
who knows where it's at.
Everybody's pickin' up on that feline beat,
'cause everything else is obsolete.
Now a square with a horn,
can make you wish you weren't born,
ever'time he plays;
and with a square in the act,
he can set music back
to the caveman days.
I've heard some corny birds who tried to sing,
but a cat's the only cat
who knows how to swing.
Who wants to dig
a long-haired gig
or stuff like that?
When everybody wants to be a cat.
A square with that horn,
makes you wish you weren't born,
ever'time he plays;
and with a square in the act,
he's gonna set this music back
to the Stone Age days.
Everybody wants to be a cat,
because a cat's the only cat
who knows where it's at;
while playin' jazz you always has a Welcome mat,
'cause everybody digs a swingin' cat.
Everybody digs a swingin' cat.

Everybody wants to be a cat

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pisicuta otilia

Biju, Portocala si Dulce

El e Biju

Biju de la bijuterie

El e Danutz

El e Danutz pisioiasul meu

duminică, 17 ianuarie 2010

Pronumele Posesiv

R B: romana
iuliana neghinita: ce aveti?
R B: pronumele posesiv
iuliana neghinita: al meu, al tau?
R B: da ala
R B: iubitu meu iubitu tau deci rezulta ca nu insala ati vazut cum am invatat?
iuliana neghinita:
R B: asa se face lectia
iuliana neghinita: asta o pun pe site
R B: dap
iuliana neghinita: e buna
iuliana neghinita:
R B: dap
R B: gta mai zicetzi ca asa invatz repede