miercuri, 7 noiembrie 2012


de foc pare cerul
de foc pare pamantul
de foc pari si tu
in amurg
si esti atat de fierbinte
incat nu pot sa te ating
sa sting focul din inima ta
focul tau pentru ea

Nu pot trai fara tine

pot respira fara aer
dar nu pot respira fara tine
pot trai fara apa
dar nu pot trai fara tine
fara glasul si zambetul tau
pot auzi fara urechi
pot simti fara degete, fara maini
dar fara tine nu as putea face nimic
pot trai fara lumina lunii
pot trai fara stalucirea stelelor
fara bataia vantului
fara picaturile de ploaie
fara firele de nisip
fara valurile marii
dar fara tine nu stiu si nu vreau sa traiesc

marți, 23 octombrie 2012

Hay un lugar

pentru ca il stiu pe de rost si pentru ca pur si simplu nu ai cum sa nu o iubesti pe marianella

Hay un lugar al que me voy

cuando estoy triste

es un lugar dentro de mi

que nunca viste

Me lo invente

para sentir que me quisiste

Es un lugar al que me voy

cuando estoy triste

Y si te vas

tambien me voy

Y si no estas

tampoco estoy

Y nada importa

nada sirve

nada vale

nada queda

Sin tu amor

Un laberinto sin final

donde me pierdo

y corro y corro sin parar

y no te encuentro

Y aunque de vos quiera escapar

siempre me acuerdo

que existe en mi algun lugar

donde te tengo.

Y si te vas

tambien me voy

Y si no estas

tampoco estoy

Y nada importa

nada sirve

nada vale

nada queda

Sin tu amor

luni, 22 octombrie 2012

El otono

mi-a placut mult acest off al Esperanzei- Casi Angeles sezon 3 ep 15



Parece que llegó el otoño. El otoño… que estación inmunda realmente. Personalmente me deprime muchísimo porque ¿a quien le gusta el otoño? mi madre diría no hay tal crisis pero en este caso amigos creo que la hay. En otoño se marchitan las flores, las horas de luz se acortan, vienen los días fríos.
El otoño llega sigiloso, casi sin avisar, despacha al verano y nos deprime a todos. Por que el otoño es triste. 
El otoño es sinónimo de nostalgia ¿y qué es la nostalgia? el sufrimiento de recordar algo que tuviste, ya no tenés, ni vas a tener. La nostalgia es un viaje al pasado, a la niñez al recuerdo de alguien que ya no está. En otoño los colores empiezan a morir. En otoño la vida se ve detrás de una ventana. En el otoño uno quisiera estar en otro parte. El otoño vuelve todo tan, tan… José Luis Perales. 
El viento, la lluvia, Perales y la nostalgia lo confirman amigos, llegó el otoño. 
Y otro bien meloso para este otoño, “Invierno” de Reik. Algo adelantado, sí, pero bueno, el otoño nos avisa que se viene el invierno.
El otoño no es un videoclip de Montaner, ok? Ni es una propaganda de chocolate, con una pareja feliz, enamorada, que se aman, se besan, ella es mona, él es un bombón, no es así. El otoño es la vejez del año, es el ocaso de los sueños, es una porquería.
El otoño, oh el otoño. Nos invade una angustia inexplicable, estamos como peluquero sin cepillo, perdidos. El otoño llega y va invadiéndonos poco a poco enfriándonos el alma y los sueños. El otoño nos encierra dentro de nuestra casa y dentro de nuestra alma. 
En otoño todo muere, falta tanto para que vuelva a renacer. El otoño es como el bucle, ni lacio ni rulo, es algo indefinido, terminó el calor pero no llegó el frío. El otoño huele a amenaza, es una brisa fría que presagia dolores. El año termina cuando empieza el otoño, es época de balance, y lo primero que uno cuenta es el debe. El otoño desconcierta, el otoño nos pone en aprietos. 
Por algo dicen que la primavera es el nacimiento, el verano la vida, el otoño la agonía y el invierno es la muerte.

duminică, 21 octombrie 2012

Red flowers

Trandafiri - septembrie



Not a sound from the pavement

Has the moon lost her memory?

She is smiling alone

In the lamplight

The withered leaves collect at my feet

And the wind begins to moan


All alone in the moonlight

I can smile at the old days

I was beautiful then

I remember a time I knew what happiness was

Let the memory live again

Every streetlamp seems to beat

A fatalistic warning

Someone mutters in the streetlamp gutters

And soon it will be morning


I must wait for the sunrise

I must think of a new life

And I musn't give in

When the dawn comes

Tonight will be a memory too

And a new day will begin

Burnt out ends of smokey days

The stale, cold smell of morning

The streetlamp dies

Another night is over

Another day is dawning

Touch me

It's so easy to leave me

All alone with the memory

Of my days in the sun

If you touch me

You'll understand what happiness is

Look, a new day has begun

Din lacrimi se naste iubirea- iuliana

din durere, din lacrimi
se naste iubirea
din suferinta
se naste fericirea
si ma rog
"da-i doamne lacrimi
sa simta iubirea
macar o lacrima
macar o clipa
sa planga din iubire"



Pe faţa-i albă ochi-i străluceau
Buzele-i dulci suspine murmurau
Gândul ei curat la el alerga
Şi inima ei pentru el bătea

Pe aleea strâmtă, ce ducea spre parc
Cu grijă păşea, privind în larg
Aştepta iubirea, aştepta un vis
Ce avea s-o poarte-n paradis

Jur împrejur s-aud mii de şoapte
Lacul albastru tremură-n noapte
Salcia plânge, plânge al ei dor
Şi vântul nopţii aduce fiori

Trece o oră, ş-apoi trec două
„De ce nu vine? E lună nouă!
Voi să vină. Vină! Să mă strângi în braţe
Şi sufletul nostru la cer să se înalţe.

Unde eşti iubite? Ce ai făcut?
De ce fugi acum? De ce eşti tăcut?
Pentru ce să frâng toate aceste lacrimi?
Pentru ce durere? Pentru ce patimi?

Oare nu vezi cerul cât este de calm
Şi lacul fremătând val lângă val
Acolo sus e pace şi mângâiere
Aici jos lacrimi, dor şi durere.

Vino lângă teiul cel mare şi alb
Vino încă odată, să fugim în larg”
Astfel vorbea copila cu ochii în lacrimi
Cu pumnii încleştaţi

Asta e iubirea, clipe deşarte
Tinereţi pierdute, visuri furate
Asta-i iubirea o lungă aşteptare,
Plină de nevoi, plină de trădare

Ah, tu iubire cât de crudă eşti
Mulţi se cred în tine, mulţi cred în poveşti
Nimeni nu ştie, nimeni nu simte
Până în momentul în care te vor cunoaşte cu adevărat

Crudă, prea crudă de această dată
Să amăgeşti o fată
Să o laşi să simtă căldură-n jurul ei
Şi-apoi să se stingă de dor lângă tei

Aşteptă copila palidă-n tăcere
Aşteptă cu grijă, dor şi durere
Şi ochi-i se-necară de lacrimi amare
Şi vântul fremăta în teiul alb şi mare

Pe cerul fără margini, cer de opal
Domneşte o lună, o lună de cristal
În lacul albastru se odihneşte o fată
Cu ochi strălucitori şi cu faţă albă.

Dragoste de toamnă

Îmi amintesc cum ne plimbam
Pe sub castanii ruginiţi
Îmi amintesc tot ce spuneam
Şi cât eram de fericiţi

Cerul era plin de nori
Dar nouă nici că ne păsa
Şi ne treceau adânci fiori
Când aflam ce-i dragostea

Pe jos covor de frunze roş
Fâşâia pe sub picioare
Iar noi priveam munţii bătrâni
Ce se unduiau în zare

Aş vrea să stai să nu te duci
Să te întorci la mine iară
Şi să trăim ca şi atunci
Acea dragoste de toamnă.

vineri, 6 iulie 2012

noi druizii

shaman vacamoo

warlock thali and pala Morgan

My Vampire story part 21- Merlin

Related image

After George was transformed, we realized that Roxanne had also been transformed into a vampire while she was missing by a younger vampire named Cosme with whom she fall in love. At the begining we thought we should have a fight with him but it turned out that as a human he was very close to Mike, he could very well be one of us, so we had no point in doing it. According to the initial plan Mike should have been transformed also, but he was left for the end. He was furious. He wanted his transformation for a long time and it was always beeing delayed. I felt he would started to hate everybody, so I called Sasha but to our surprise she said to calm everybody down because she found who our enemy was and how to destroy it, so when she came back she changed Mike into one of us too to help him cure his disease which cured itself once being a vampire. Richard and Michelle were the only ones not to be changed because Michelle was preganant and we just found out, that was where she went that evening when she came after me and Ger, and Sasha didn't want to harm them.
So we all gathered as usual with Sasha, Guy and a new massive guy with long blond hair and blue eyes, she brought along with her so we asked her who he was.
"Everybody meet Merlin, well actually Leon" Sasha said laughing "Guy found him so I brought him in here to set the matter once and for all"
"Merlin? like in Merlin the wizard?" I asked
"At your service" the big fat blond blue eyed guy responded laughing.
"Shouldn't he be dead?"Gerald ask looking at him from head to toes.
"He was, but was incarnated into this guy here, and now he will help us fight our enemy, meaning he will end up with vampires everywhere and make them humans again" Sasha answered smiling happily
"A human? You changed all of us into vampires in order to be helped by a human? Are you kiding us?" Gerald asked in disbelief
"Well he knows magic, meaning he remembers it, so it's enough" Sasha answered
"A human with magic? Sasha are you crazy? we are so many vampires here and we are afraid of what is comming and you think this human will help us with magic?"Gerald was becoming mad
"Well, he has the keys to all dimensions and he can use the wheel of destiny, so yes, his help is all we need" Sasha answered
"And how exactly is he going to help?" George asked
"By reseting the wheel of destiny, of course and transform everybody back into humans" the boy answered
"Reseting the wheel of destinity and how exactly are you going to that?"Roxanne asked
"By using male and female energy in order to reset it, and the right codes in order to open the dimensions" the guy explained
"Who is the famale energy? Sasha?"Mike asked
Merlin started to laugh:"No, she is not my female energy, Everybody meet Ada"
And there she was in her splendor, a beautiful woman with black long hair and black eyes.
"Ada? Wow she is beautiful" George exclaimed gazing at her. Sasha pinched him to stop.
"Of course she is a female and a nice one too. What did you think that she might be ugly? Neh, she's my twin flame"the guy laughed "everything has a balance male or female, so do I, but of course you all know that already, Sasha told you the truth about twin souls" the guy explained further
"He's right you know you should stop looking at things in black or white and stop judging people"Sasha said
"Ok, enough talking" Gerald said."How are we supposed to fight them? What should we do? How many are them? 
"All you have to do is keep them occupied so they wouldn't come after me and Ada, while I go to heaven, a place that I am familiar with and Ada goes to hell since it's her speciality and we will both balance things from there and reset the wheel." the Merlin guy explained.
"Where is this wheel?Why heaven and hell?" George asked
"No need for you to know, it would just complicate things,besides we are the only ones who would know how to use it. Heaven and hell because it is of course as big as them, it's the wheel of the whole universe".
"And the magic would be?"
"A special stone that I have, that I will use together with the wheel, Now let's get the work done." And he and Ada dissapeared one to heaven, the other to hell.
What would you do if your town and home and everything that you love most, like dear ones, would be thretened by an army of unknown vampires? Would you fight or run away? Would you trust a guy that pretends to be Merlin in order to get help? We had no other option either, so we had to trust and decided to fight: for our friends Michelle and Richard, for our families, for all that stood dear to us. 
We fallowed the plan, Sasha gave her sign meaning she let our smell be easily tracked by vampires... letting the clan of vampires from the west know where we were. All of them come. All the members of the clan were there with Victor their leader... ready to kill us. All of them were preparing their teeth and strenght. But we blocked them into a dome of energy, Guy, Sasha's friend also helping us, while Merlin went to heaven and Lucy in hell and they reseted the wheel of destiny and everybody were turned back into humans without using a single drop of blood. And all the dead people were alive and well also, all humans. We felt as if we would wake up from a dream. So, it was possible after all to come to an understanding without war. Merlin the guy was right. Maybe he really was who he was, or maybe someone who just knew what to do. This was my second dream.
"Humans were meant to be humans, and they should stay like that. No human will ever be a vampire again"the big guy told us before he departed, holding Ada's hand into his and losing themselves again into one of the many dimensions out there. Humans should be humans, of course we all understood that now, humans and friends. Without us being friends nothing that happened would have been possible. If we hadn't been united and if Merlin would also not be a friend...but an enemy we wouldn't have stopped the other vampires so fast.
"Death is not what frightnes me, eternity is" I once told Sasha and she answered me: "Eternity is not a long time..." Of course an eternity without friends would have no point. Suddenly eternity seemed not such a long time to me. All that I wanted was to spend the rest of my time with my friends: Sasha who was now one of us and her twin George, Gerald, Roxanne and Cosme, Mike, Michelle and Richard who came to us after the transformation so that they wouldn't be hurt by the vampires. The story is not about transforming everybody into vampires but about transforming them into friends.
I had tears in my eyes... At the begining all that I wanted was to be acknowledged by my friends for being special without realising how special they were, now I came to the point where I have acknowledged them, by discovering each one of them who they were and what they felt, or did. 
So after the other ex-vampires left, I joined everybody in a long and refreshing embrace as all of us understood humanity in other terms and we all stepped together to a new era of maturity.