Pentru ca imi pare rau
Scrisoarea lui Jonghyun:
“Sunt distrus in interior.
Depresia care m-a inghitit treptat, m-a devorat intr-un final.
Nu am putut sa o depasesc.
M-am urat. M-am resemnat agatandu-ma de amintiri si am strigat catre mine sa imi revin in fire, dar nu a existat niciun raspuns.
Daca nu exista nicio modalitate de a calma o respiratie sufocanta, e mai bine sa te opresti pur si simplu.
Am intrebat cine poate fi responsabil pentru mine.
Doar tu.
Eram complet singur.
E usor sa spui ca vei termina lucrurile.
E greu sa o faci cu adevarat.
Am trait cu acea greutate in tot acest timp.
Mi-ai spus ca am vrut scap.
E adevarat. Am vrut sa scap.
De mine.
De tine.
Ai intrebat cine este acolo. Am spus ca am fost eu. Am spus ca am fost eu, din nou. Si am spus ca am fost eu, din nou.
Am intrebat de ce tot imi uit amintirile. Mi-ai spus ca e din cauza personalitatii mele. Vad. Vad ca totul este din vina mea, pana la urma.
Am sperat ca oamenii vor observa, dar nimeni nu a stiut. Nu m-ai cunoscut niciodata, deci bineinteles ca nu ai fi stiut ca sunt acolo.
Ai intrebat de ce traiesc. Pur si simplu. Pur si simplu. Toata lumea traieste pur si simplu.
Daca intrebi de ce mor oamenii, probabil ei vor spune din cauza ca sunt epuizati.
Am suferit si am agonizat legat de asta. Nu am invatat niciodata cum sa transform suferinta in fericire.
Durerea este doar durere.
Am incercat sa trec peste ea.
De ce? De ce ma retin din a pune odata capat la tot?
Mi s-a spus sa caut motivul pentru care doare.
Stiu totul prea bine. Sufar din cauza mea. Totul e din vina mea, pentru ca am fost nascut asa.
Doctore, asta iti doreai sa auzi?
Nu. Nu am facut nimic gresit.
Cand mi-ai spus pe acel ton calm ca este doar din cauza personalitatii mele, m-am gandit cat de usor poate fi sa fii doctor.
Este aproape fascinant cat de mult poate sa doara. Oameni care o duc mai rau decat mine par ca sunt obisnuiti cu asta. Oameni mai slabi decat mine o duc mai bine. Dar asta nu are cum sa fie adevarat. Dintre toti oamenii din aceasta lume, nimeni nu o duce mai rau decat mine si nimeni nu este mai slab decat mine.
Dar tot am incercat sa traiesc.
M-am intrebat de sute de ori de ce trebuie si nu a fost niciodata pentru mine. A fost pentru tine.
Am vrut sa fac ceva pentru mine.
Te rog nu imi mai spune lucruri pe care nu le intelegi.
Imi spui sa imi dau seama de ce imi este greu. Ti-am spus de mai multe ori de ce. Nu am voie sa fiu atat de trist din cauza acelor motive? Trebuie sa fie mai precis si mai dramatic? Trebuie sa am motive mai bune?
Ti-am spus deja. Ai ascultat macar? Lucrurile peste care poti trece nu raman ca cicatrici.
Cred ca nu am fost facut sa infrunt lumea.
Cred ca nu am fost facut sa duc o viata in ochii publicului.
De aceea mi-a fost greu. Sa confrunt lumea si sa ma aflu in ochii publicului. De ce am luat acele decizii. E ridicol.
E minunat ca am ajuns chiar si atat de departe.
Ce mai pot sa spun. Spune-mi doar ca am facut bine.
Spune-mi ca am facut suficient de bine si ca am trecut prin multe.
Chiar daca nu poti zambi in timp ce ma trimiti pe ultimul drum, nu spune ca e vina mea.
Ai facut bine.
Chiar ai trecut prin multe.
La revedere.”
vineri, 22 decembrie 2017
luni, 20 noiembrie 2017
luni, 13 noiembrie 2017
park hyung sik - hwarang sau perfect prince

Park Hyung Sik
Născut: 16 noiembrie 1991 (vârsta 25), Yongin-si, Coreea de Sud
Înălțime: 1,83 m
Formații: ZE:A (din 2010), ZE:A FIVE (din 2013)
Prosecutor Princess 2010
All About Marriage
I Remember You 2012
Dummy Mommy Oh Soo-hyun
My Husband Got a Family
Sirius 2013
Nine: Nine Time Travels
The Heirs
What's With This Family 2014
Persevere, Goo Hae-ra 2015
High Society
She Was Pretty
Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth 2016
Strong Woman Do Bong-soon 2017
Înălțime: 1,83 m
Formații: ZE:A (din 2010), ZE:A FIVE (din 2013)
Prosecutor Princess 2010
All About Marriage
I Remember You 2012
Dummy Mommy Oh Soo-hyun
My Husband Got a Family
Sirius 2013
Nine: Nine Time Travels
The Heirs
What's With This Family 2014
Persevere, Goo Hae-ra 2015
High Society
She Was Pretty
Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth 2016
Strong Woman Do Bong-soon 2017
miercuri, 25 octombrie 2017
Swords of Legends
Swords of Legends (Chinese: 古剑奇谭) is a 2014 Chinese television series based on the role-playing video game Gu Jian Qi Tan developed by Shanghai Aurogon. It aired on Hunan TV from 2 July to 25 September 2014.

luni, 23 octombrie 2017
[Full OST][ENG/PINYIN] Three Lives Three Worlds: Ten Miles of Peach Blos...
The beautiful ost of Ten miles
Ten miles characters
1. Yang Mi as Bai Qian/ Si Yin/ Su Su
Bai Qian was the fifth child and only girl of the Fox King. When she was young, she disguised herself as a guy (Si Yin) and came to Kun Lun Mountain to become the seventeenth student of Mo Yuan. After the war between the Ghost Tribe and Nine Heavens, Bai Qian is attacked with a curse and sent into the mortal realm, where she meets Ye Hua, who names her Su Su, and they bare a son named Ah Li. Su Su does not know that she is, in fact, immortal and that Ye Hua is the Prince of Heaven.
Bai Qian
Si Yin
Su Su
2. Mark Zhao as Mo Yuan/ Ye Hua
Mo Yuan was the undefeated God of War, who was Bai Qian's teacher. He dies when his soul dissolves after a war with the Ghost King. Years later, due to a fateful occurrence, Ye Hua (Mo Yuan's twin brother), falls in love with a mortal girl that he names Su Su. Originally wanting to spend the rest of his lifetime quietly with her, Ye Hua is forced to bring Su Su to the Nine Heavens. A misunderstanding occurs and Su Su jumps from the Zhu Xian Terrace, and Ye Hua follows after her. However, he does not know that Su Su is actually Bai Qian. A hundred years later, he meets Su Su (now Bai Qian) and immediately recognizes her.
Ye Hua/Mo Yuan
3. Zhang Bing Bing as Li Jing
Ghost Tribe's second prince, who becomes the Ghost Lord after his father is sealed by the Dong Hua clock. He falls in love with Si Yin, without knowing she is Bai Qian in disguise. When he sees Xuan Nu, who resembles Si Yin, he falls for her, causing him to inadvertently betray Bai Qian. He later realizes that the one he truly loved was Si Yin.
4. Ken Chang as Zhe Yan
The first phoenix immortal since the creation of the world. He is a good friend of the Bai family. He keeps out of the affairs of the three realms as he guards the ten miles of peach blossoms. He sends Bai Qian to Kun Lun Mountain to study.
5. Yu Meng Long as Bai Zhen
Fourth son of the Fox King, who loves to drink and wishes to live a carefree life. He sends Xuan Nv to Si Yin and ask Si Yin to take care of her.
5. Zhu Xu Dan as Xuan Nv
Bai Qian's childhood friend. She envies Bai Qian's beauty, thus morphing herself to look exactly like her. She uses her looks to seduce Li Jing and eventually marries him. She acts as a spy for the Ghost Tribe to steal the formation from Kun Lun Tribe, indirectly causing Mo Yuan's soul to dissolve. Xuan Nu eventually reverts to her original looks after Bai Qian gravely injures her.
6. Dilraba Dilmurat as Bai Feng Jiu
Bai Qian's niece, the world's only nine-tailed red fox. A hapless romantic who would do anything for love, she ends up falling for Dong Hua.
7. Gao Wei Guang as Dong Hua
One of the oldest five Great Kings of Heaven, who controls the lives and deaths within the six realms. He is admired by many but only has eyes for Feng Jiu.
8. Maggie Huang as Su Jin
The only descendant of the Zhong Lie tribe. She was adopted by the Heaven Emperor after the demise of her tribe and conferred as Princess Zhaoyang. She later becomes Ye Hua's concubine. She is in a one-sided love with her husband. Jealousy overwhelms her when she realizes Ye Hua loves Su Su and she begins to harm the latter.
9. Lian Yi Ming as Qing Cang
Li Jing's father. He falls in love at first sight for Ling Yu, and kidnaps him together with Si Yin back into the Ghost Palace, which eventually causes a great war between the Ghost Tribe and the Nine Heavens.
10. Dai Si as Yan Zhi
Ghost Tribe's princess and Li Jing's younger sister. She is doted on and loved by her brothers and is kind-hearted despite being surrounded by evil. She falls for Si Yin, not knowing she is a girl.
Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms
Bai Qian was the fifth child and only girl of the Fox King. When she was young, she disguised herself as a guy (Si Yin) and came to Kun Lun Mountain to become the seventeenth student of Mo Yuan. After the war between the Ghost Tribe and Nine Heavens, Bai Qian is attacked with a curse and sent into the mortal realm, where she meets Ye Hua, who names her Su Su, and they bare a son named Ah Li. Su Su does not know that she is, in fact, immortal and that Ye Hua is the Prince of Heaven.
Bai Qian
Si Yin
Su Su
2. Mark Zhao as Mo Yuan/ Ye Hua
Mo Yuan was the undefeated God of War, who was Bai Qian's teacher. He dies when his soul dissolves after a war with the Ghost King. Years later, due to a fateful occurrence, Ye Hua (Mo Yuan's twin brother), falls in love with a mortal girl that he names Su Su. Originally wanting to spend the rest of his lifetime quietly with her, Ye Hua is forced to bring Su Su to the Nine Heavens. A misunderstanding occurs and Su Su jumps from the Zhu Xian Terrace, and Ye Hua follows after her. However, he does not know that Su Su is actually Bai Qian. A hundred years later, he meets Su Su (now Bai Qian) and immediately recognizes her.
Ye Hua/Mo Yuan
3. Zhang Bing Bing as Li Jing
Ghost Tribe's second prince, who becomes the Ghost Lord after his father is sealed by the Dong Hua clock. He falls in love with Si Yin, without knowing she is Bai Qian in disguise. When he sees Xuan Nu, who resembles Si Yin, he falls for her, causing him to inadvertently betray Bai Qian. He later realizes that the one he truly loved was Si Yin.
4. Ken Chang as Zhe Yan
The first phoenix immortal since the creation of the world. He is a good friend of the Bai family. He keeps out of the affairs of the three realms as he guards the ten miles of peach blossoms. He sends Bai Qian to Kun Lun Mountain to study.
5. Yu Meng Long as Bai Zhen
Fourth son of the Fox King, who loves to drink and wishes to live a carefree life. He sends Xuan Nv to Si Yin and ask Si Yin to take care of her.
5. Zhu Xu Dan as Xuan Nv
Bai Qian's childhood friend. She envies Bai Qian's beauty, thus morphing herself to look exactly like her. She uses her looks to seduce Li Jing and eventually marries him. She acts as a spy for the Ghost Tribe to steal the formation from Kun Lun Tribe, indirectly causing Mo Yuan's soul to dissolve. Xuan Nu eventually reverts to her original looks after Bai Qian gravely injures her.
6. Dilraba Dilmurat as Bai Feng Jiu
Bai Qian's niece, the world's only nine-tailed red fox. A hapless romantic who would do anything for love, she ends up falling for Dong Hua.
7. Gao Wei Guang as Dong Hua
One of the oldest five Great Kings of Heaven, who controls the lives and deaths within the six realms. He is admired by many but only has eyes for Feng Jiu.
8. Maggie Huang as Su Jin
The only descendant of the Zhong Lie tribe. She was adopted by the Heaven Emperor after the demise of her tribe and conferred as Princess Zhaoyang. She later becomes Ye Hua's concubine. She is in a one-sided love with her husband. Jealousy overwhelms her when she realizes Ye Hua loves Su Su and she begins to harm the latter.
9. Lian Yi Ming as Qing Cang
Li Jing's father. He falls in love at first sight for Ling Yu, and kidnaps him together with Si Yin back into the Ghost Palace, which eventually causes a great war between the Ghost Tribe and the Nine Heavens.
10. Dai Si as Yan Zhi
Ghost Tribe's princess and Li Jing's younger sister. She is doted on and loved by her brothers and is kind-hearted despite being surrounded by evil. She falls for Si Yin, not knowing she is a girl.
Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms
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