duminică, 10 februarie 2013

Venus time

It’s Venus time

It’s also mine

It’s you and me

I hold the key

To be together

For eternity

Atat de multe

Atat de multe nopti singura

Nopti in care plangeam

Stand la fereastra mea

Si ma intrebam

De ce imi era atat de greu

Sa visez

Sa fiu eu

Nu-mi pot imagina

Lumea fara iubire

Viata fara tine

Fara noi

Atat de multe nopti

Atat de multe amintiri

Atat de multe porniri

Atat de multe cuvinte

Ce alcatuiesc intrebari fara raspuns

luni, 4 februarie 2013

Give me a chance

Give me a chance

Give me a glance

And say you’ll be mine

For the end of time

Give me a chance tonight

When the moon is bright

Give me a chance

One last dance

Take my hand slow

And don’t let me go

Just give me one more chance

A chance to talk to you

A chance to tell you the truth

Take you from the start

Give you all my heart

All my love, my everything

Give me a chance

Give me a glance

And say you’ll be mine

For the end of time

I could

I could stop the rain

If you’d take away my pain

I could stop the wind

If you’d remember what you did

Those endless nights we made love

Those endless days we thought

We’d touch the skies above

I could stop the sun

I could stop the fire

If you’d realize that you are my desire

But now

I can’t close my eyes

I can’t count the tears

That falls down and never ends

I could stop the rain

If you’d take away my pain

I could stop the wind

If you’d remember what you did

Those endless nights we made love

Those endless days we thought

We’d touch the skies above

Come back tonight

Come back tonight

When the moon shines bright

Don’t make me take away my life

Just give me some time

To learn how to love you

To learn how to be with you

Come back tonight

And hold me in your arms

Together we will find

The way to the stars

Another lonely day

Without you be my side

I wish you could stay

And keep you here beside

Romantic melody

Is playing by the band

I wish you could see

That I just want to take your hand

Sometimes I think I feel you

And it’s so hard

Not to see you

But you are here in my heart

You are my obsession

You guide me in the dark

Helping me fight my frustration

Helping me not to give up

Just come back tonight

When the moon shines bright

Don’t make me take away my life

Just give me some time

To learn how to love you

sâmbătă, 19 ianuarie 2013


Empty Chairs At Empty Tables - Nick Jonas - Marius

pentru mine cel mai bun marius e nick, chiar daca foarte multa lume critica performanta lui de la cea de-a 25-a aniversare a musicalului, nick are o finete aparte si o dulceata pe care nu i-o poate egala nici un alt marius.

marți, 15 ianuarie 2013

On my own

I dreamed a dream ... now life has killed the dream i dreamed

[Fantine is left alone, unemployed and destitute]


There was a time when men were kind
When their voices were soft
And their words inviting
There was a time when love was blind
And the world was a song
And the song was exciting
There was a time
Then it all went wrong

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no wine untasted

But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
As they turn your dream to shame

He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came

And still I dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.

M-am indragostit de cantec, de versuri si de modul in care il canta Anne.    Cat adevar,  cat chin, cata durere-"There was a time when men were kind/ When their voices were soft/ And their words inviting/  There was a time when love was blind/ And the world was a song/ And the song was exciting"cine mai e bun azi, cine mai vorbeste frumos si te asculta si are rabdare sa iti explice? nimeni. 

Cine nu a iubit si nu i s-a raspuns cu aceleasi sentimente, cine nu a trait macar odata o experienta de dragoste in care sa iubeasca de unul singur si totusi sa spere si sa spere si sa spere?"I dreamed a dream in time gone by/When hope was high/And life worth living/I dreamed that love would never die/I dreamed that God would be forgiving"

E greu sa iubesti de unul singur, e greu sa lupti de unul singur. M-am indragostit de 2 personaje din les miserables fantine si eponine. Fantine e mama eroina care isi sacrifica viata pentru fiica ei, duce o viata de prostiuata pentru a-i asigura un trai decent. Ea a iubit de una singura si a fost parasita. Eponine e cealalta fata a iubirii, cealalta experienta, femeia tanara, indragostita care moare fara macar sa isi vada vreun vis implinit. in roman moartea ei e stupida. Moare impuscata de un glonte in timp ce ii aducea lui mariu o scrisoare de la cosette. Un gest facut din iubire care-i aduce moartea. In  spectacolul les miserables i se face un pic de dreptate si moartea ei e glorioasa. Se aseaza in fata glontului destinat lui marius. Doua femei, doua destine, ambele prizoniere intr-o situatie fara sfarsit, sentimente fara sfarsit.